Platatac Peacekeeper Mk5 PK5 full frontal view


Disclaimer: This item was provided free of charge by Platatac for testing and evaluation purposes. There has been no exchange of money, and the terms of the item being provided are that if I like a product, I review it, if I don't like a product, it gets sent back. With this is mind I … Continue reading Review // PLATATAC PEACEKEEPER MK.5

Stirling Timepieces Brunt Review by The Geardo Crow


This review has been a very long time coming but for once the delay hasn't been due to my laziness and more due to my lack of knowledge on the subject as a whole. A few years down the line however I'm finally in a place where I feel like I actually know sort of what I'm talking about, and have other frames of reference to draw on to make this review more valuable than simply "I like it so therefore you should too".

C2R Fast Shooter's Belt R review by the Geardo Crow

Review // C2R Fast Shooter’s Belt R

I've been aware of C2R for a number of years now, tracking back to mid 2018 when I ordered some of their excellent flashbang pouches. At the time these were highly sought after during the boom of the UKSF inspired kit scene, so being able to order 12 of them at once was a pretty big deal. Given the company's long standing habit of being somewhat closed off to the masses it was also a privilege to make the connection with them, which I am glad to say is still open to this day.

Review // Platatac Helium Whisper Munitions Range

nd have been mulling over the best way to write about them on the blog. While there are a lot of pouches in the line they share a lot of the same features and so 10 individual articles would be a bit of a waste. The choice I've gone with is two separate blogs, part one covering the ammunition/munitions pouches, and part two covering the utility pouches.

Platatac PlatyPlus Day Pack

Review // Platatac PlatyPlus Day Pack

Cutting around camp, travelling, going on classroom based courses or even being used as the duty BOO/BOS daysack are all tasks that the likes of the Camelbak Motherlode are all used for but are a long way from designed for. The PlatyPlus leans the other way, with loads of internal features to make in-camp admin easier, but still retaining the toughness needed to chuck 1000 rounds of link into it and tab up the nearest high feature in an emergency.

Cellar Gear Custom flashbang pouches in m81 woodland

Review // Cellar Gear Flashbang Pouches

One of my life's many bug-bears has been an obsession with finding just the right pouch for each tool, which has led to many instances of buying, selling, chopping and changing a setup in order to find the "perfect" home for each item. In a military context this is often just a case of shopping around, and being prepared to fork out for the rare niche items that command a premium because they're well sought after. But what happens when you start trying to find a pouch for something that isn't an accepted standard, especially not in the military world?

Cellar Gear SADF Pat.83 Chest Rig Harness

Review // Mods // Cellar Gear SADF 83 Rig Retrofit Kit

If you have ever wondered what it looks like to both love something with all your being, and despise it in equal measure then you should have been present for me opening my SADF Pat. 83 rig for the first time. Everything about the chest rig itself screams sideburns and short shorts and I'm convinced is the answer to most of the world's problems, until you look at the fucking harness.

Platatac Tactical Electronics Pouch NVG contents

Review // Platatac Tactical Electronics Pouch

Night vision systems are by far and away one of the most expensive responsibilities an infantry soldier will be entrusted with on a regular basis, and the advantages they provide you can be the difference between dominating an enemy and being caught in a fair fight, somewhere you do not want to be. Despite both of these facts however the humble NVG is something that is often neglected both by the Army, and the soliders carrying them.

cellar gear facehof jacket banner image

The FaceHof Jacket – My first impressions

This is something I’ve been pretty excited about for several weeks now, and am glad to say I finally have it in my hands to bring to you. Back in October Spiritus Systems dropped a photo that had a very special item hiding in plain sight. Originally dubbed the “Crye’teryx” this jacket is a mashup … Continue reading The FaceHof Jacket – My first impressions

A flat lay of the SKD Insulated gloves and two pairs of mechanix insulated gloves.

SKD PIG Insulated Vs. Mechanix Cold Weather Insulated

It’s December, it’s cold, and no matter what your Platoon Sergeant says, it’s okay to admit it. I’ve had the old Mechanix Insulated Originals for years now. They were one of the first bits of kit I bought specifically for the Army, and they’ve always been in my bergen ever since. They remained a mainstay … Continue reading SKD PIG Insulated Vs. Mechanix Cold Weather Insulated

Platatac Mk3 Tac Dax review by the Geardo Crow

Platatac Tac Dax Mk3 Review

If you think of the term “combat pants”, you might automatically picture a pair of trousers made by Crye Precision. This isn’t without good reason, since the early 2000’s Crye have led the market for over-engineered uniforms. With this success comes the Apple effect, where charging extortionate amounts of money for your label becomes acceptable … Continue reading Platatac Tac Dax Mk3 Review

Whiskey Two Four – PIMPS Turnkey Chest Rig – First Impressions

I was approached by Ryan at Whiskey Two Four a few months ago about getting some gear sent over to take a look at. I had heard of WTF before through their WTFix malice clip alternative, and so was excited to see what would turn up in the post. I should point out that although … Continue reading Whiskey Two Four – PIMPS Turnkey Chest Rig – First Impressions